Calc Sheet

"Calc sheet" is a collection of formulas on a screen. You can create multiple.

Operations of the formula. Adding, deleting, ...

  • Create and insert new formula

    Tap blank space under the formulas or tap button.

    Insert new formulas before the formula, swipe down the formula with two fingers.

    Swipe down the formula with "Three" fingers, then insert the copied formulas before the formula.

  • Delete the formula

    Swipe to left on the formula, then show menu. And select "Delete".
  • Copy, pasete, add the label of the formula

    Double tap on formula, formula result, value item, show popup-menu for copy, paste, adding formula label.
    • Select "Copy formula", you can paste contents of the formula to other empty formula.
      If you paste other app, paste as a string.

      TIP: If you want to copy the formula continuously, swipe down with three-fingers the formula.
    • Copy number/reference item, paste as a value item.
      If you paste other app, paste as a string.
      "Copy result" is the same use as to copy the reference item.
    • Select "Add label", add a label to the formula. Tap the label, modify it.

  • Insert empty number item before a item

    To insert empty number item to left side, select a value item (such as number, reference, function) or a left parenthesis item, then swipe the item to right.

  • Create new calc sheet, function, template based on the selected formula

    Swipe to left on the formula, and select "..." in the formula menu.
    Then select the action from the action sheet that appears.


  • A button on keypad that can be tapped will change depending on the situation of selected item.
  • Long-press a button with ellipsis, then show flick panel that's contains related buttons.

... If a number item is selected, append a digit. else, add a number item.
If a operator item is selected, overwrite the operator. else, add a operator item.
Do the processing in the following at each tapped.
(if the formula is modified, it is calculated automatically. so calculation is not necessary to tap "=" button.)
  1. If the selected formula is out of screen, scroll as the formula is visible.
  2. Select an empty number item in the selected formula. if dose not exists, select last item.
  3. Fix parenthesis pair. If there is no right parenthesis that corresponds to the left parentheses, add right parenthesis items to tail of the formula.
  4. Select the next formula. If there is no next formula, add a new formula.

 []= Create new formula with the reference item to the result of the selected formula.
If a number item is selected,
  1. erase the last digit.
  2. if all digits erased, delete number item itself.
    if the item is between other items, it will be to empty .
    and tap more, delete number item itself.
else (such as a operator item), delete a item itself.
If a number item is selected, it will be to empty .
If a reference item is selected, replace to a number item with referenced value.
Clear all items of the selected formula.
Select the previous item.

Select the next item.
HOME Select the top item of the first formula
END Select the tail item of the last formula.
|←Select the top item of the selected formula.
→|Select the tail item of the selected formula.
Specify the priority of the calculation.
Show the flick panel of edit tools for the selected formula.
Show the flick panel of function chooser to inject for the selected formula.
Show the flick panel of template chooser to insert (if already created).

Reference to result of other formula

"Reference item" is kind of caliculation value item same as "Number item" and result reference of the other formula.
If you change the other formula that have been referenced to by the "reference items", it will change the result of the formula that contains the "Reference item".
  • How to make "Reference item".
    • In case of add to the top of an empty formula

      Tap the empty formula to select, and tap on the result area that you want to referenced.
    • In case of replace from a empty number item

      Tap the empty number item to select, and tap on the result area that you want to referenced.
    • In case of append to the tail of a formula
      (next to operator or right parenthesis item)

      Tap the operator or right parenthesis item to select, and tap on the result area that you want to referenced.
  • When the result will be referenced, the result will be displayed with border and reference number.
    If reference items are reference to the same result, reference number will be allocated same.
    If you select the "reference item", the border of the result that is referenced will be orange.
  • You can use "Reference item" in formula any number.
  • Can't make a reference item that becomes a circular reference such as formulas is referenced each other.

Operation the calc sheet, etc.

  • Edit the title of the calc sheet

    Tap the title label.
  • Create new calc sheet,
    Create new template based on this calc sheet

    Tap button. and select action what you want to.
  • Reorder the position of the formula,
    Delete multiple formulas

    Tap button. then it will be list edit mode.
    • To reorder formulas. drag the icon on right side of the formula vertically
    • To delete multiple formulas, select formulas and tap "Delete" button.
    • To exit list edit mode, tap button again.
  • Clear or Delete the calc sheet

    Tap button, then menu sheet is shown.
  • Undo, Redo

    If "Shake to Undo" on iOS Settings is "On", you can undo/redo the operation of the calc sheet.
  • Open other calc sheet, function, template

    Tap button, then choose from "Calc Sheet List".
  • To go settings, tap at the top of the screen.
    • In settings, you can specify decimal places, rounding of the calculation result and number format.
    • Tap "Upgrade to the normal edition", go to the purchase view of the normal edition.
      When you upgrade to the normal edition, limitation of the free edition (ads, up to 5 calc sheets) will be canceled.